Ah, the elusive family office. For those outside the upper echelons of the ultra-wealthy, family offices remain an enigma shrouded in secrecy.
What exactly are they?
What do they do?
In recent years, the number of family offices has proliferated in step with the meteoric rise of the world’s billionaire class. We are also minting millionaires at the highest rate ever.
As the wealthy seek ever more sophisticated ways to preserve and grow their fortunes, the bespoke services of family offices hold an obvious appeal. After all, who better to steward your family’s legacy than a hand-picked team working solely on your behalf?
This article unravels the mystique around family offices through an in-depth exploration of their historical origins and modern functions.
Expect a whirlwind tour across centuries, continents, and families both famous and obscure. From the storied Medicis of Renaissance Italy to the Rockefellers of Industrial America, we track how generations of the world’s richest dyna…