We have reached the conclusion of our epic 7-Part Series!
We live-built wealth engine #1, and we are going to complete four more in the coming months.
Part I - https://wealthsystems.ai/p/wealth-systems-dividend-a-day
Part II - https://wealthsystems.ai/p/wealth-systems-dividend-a-day-part
Part III - https://wealthsystems.ai/p/wealth-systems-dividend-a-day-part-432
Part IV - https://wealthsystems.ai/p/wealth-systems-dividend-a-day-part-f18
Part V - https://wealthsystems.ai/p/wealth-systems-dividend-a-day-part-824
Part VI - https://wealthsystems.ai/p/wealth-systems-dividend-a-day-part-d6a
We built a current income engine containing 90 stocks that yield just under 5% per year, with the benefit of diversification across asset classes, geographies, macroeconomic exposures including interest rate risk, and the thousands of other levers that collectively influence the grand economic system.
In Part VI we listed the 90 names and now we’re concluding with advice on optimizing the financial returns from …